Thursday, April 5, 2012

So what’s going on, potential future Rotmanites?

Hey Guys!

My friend Paige gave a pretty good synopsis of what has been a big time occupier lately here. This and our Integrative Thinking Practicum case assignments (as alluded to in my own earlier post) have been occupying pretty much all of my time as of late. In fact I have had little time to do anything else and was severely behind the game in all of my other classes. Thankfully we have a long weekend for me to catch up now!

Nothing much else new to report. BUT I know for potential Rotmanites, you have some big decisions to make in the coming days and weeks! So I thought I would open the floor to you guys who have been reading my blog.

Is there anything you are interested to know about Rotman? Don’t be afraid to ask me really weird, obscure questions either….That was the kind of stuff I myself was looking to learn before coming to Rotman. I’m more that happy to satisfy your curiosity on ANYTHING about school…No holds barred!

So ask away in the comments boxes below!      


  1. Hi Mike,

    I will join Rotman in Sept 2012. A quick update on the internship stats?


  2. Ajay,

    Welcome to the Rotman team! I think us first years are at about a 70% placement rate at this point. But that number does not tell the whole story. The bulk of job postings happen in January and April. So given April just started, the best indicator of placements will be once May comes around.

    Also, placement stats are substantially different depending on the field. At this point I think about 100% of those looking to be consultants have summer jobs. Conversely, the number is maybe 80% for those with a marketing focus (most marketing jobs come in april). Also, the number is maybe 10% for those in fields not one of: consulting, finance, marketing.

    So there is a lot of variation. But the main thing to remember is that a ton more jobs are still coming up for one to apply to this month so by the time May comes around, the number will probably be 90-100%.

    1. Wow! This is quite different from what I heard of. There may have been big change in terms of internship placements since a couple of weeks ago. But, if this is the case, this is really good news for my fellow Rotman friends. Unfortunately, I had to take a break from Rotman. Anyway, thanks for this clear answer. I am just wondering if you have confirmed this 70% placement from CCC or just estimate from people around you.

  3. Hey Luke,

    This is an estimate based on what I have heard from my classmates. The official estimates are quite off as well because only counted are those who the CCC KNOWS have jobs. Many people, once they get jobs, don’t bother telling the CCC.
