Saturday, November 5, 2011

We’ve only been back for ONE week??

One of my classmates had a funny comment yesterday, that time spent in the Rotman building is like a time vortex: 5 minutes in real life time feels like 5 hours at Rotman and so on. I honestly cannot believe I was on vacation a mere 6 days ago. This week was long. And stressful. This qtr is a fully-loaded analytical qtr. I have:


-Statistics II

-Accounting II

-Marketing (although it is more like “marketing analysis”)

-Strategy (my only sort-of relief from number crunching)

The workload is maybe slightly greater than that which I had in Q1. The reason why this qtr is so challenging is because on top of school, extra curriculars are now in full swing. So for me specifically I have as well:

-Responsibilities on the GBC Twitter team (check us out! @RotmanGBC)

-Case competition (read a case, come up with a solution, present said solution to executives who judge us)

-MBA Games prep (competition with all the MBA schools in Canada, coming 1st week of January)

-Networking (because intense recruiting begins in Jan)

-Blogging, obviously ;-)

-Attending various club events

It’s funny how things normally I would be stressing over (i.e. doing readings on time) just sort of get pushed by the wayside. Priorities, priorities…

So yeah, lots of stuff going on!!

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