Friday, October 14, 2011

Exam season

Exam season, in October?? Yup! Rotman does things a little differently. As I might have mentioned in an earlier post, we go by quarters, not semesters. So an entire course is packed into about 10.5 weeks and then we have final exams. Come November, we start all over again with 5 new courses and then again in Jan and March once more.

The amount of content is manageable; I mean I have written final exams that had as much content in them before. What scares the pants off of me is how intense the grading is. The profs here are TOUGH. If you don’t write exactly – and I mean EXACTLY – what they want to see, it’s wrong. And it’s not even like “oh, I understand what he meant but just used the wrong word; I’ll just deduct ½ a point.” No- if you don’t write exactly what they want, you might as well have written an essay in chinese instead (i.e. worthless for the exams). You get ZERO.

The other tough part is the schedule: One exam on Sunday (at 6pm which messes my whole schedule up), and then one on every day Tuesday-Friday. My 1st exam is largely conceptual (Foundations of Integrated Thinking) and is unlike any class I have ever taken so I don’t really know what to expect (you could say it is the devil I don’t know while my other exams are at least devils I do know). I mean, I think (and hope) I have studied as much as I could for it (which is why I am blogging today) but you never know come the actual exam. Crossing my fingers.

For the other exams, I have a study sched all set up and ready to go. Even though all of my exams are going to be BEASTS I feel weird studying now for an exam I won’t have for at least 4-5 days; I am going to forget everything if I start too early!

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