Hello everyone!
You probably thought this blog was retired right? Well much
like what happened during the first year of my MBA, while I was going through
the interview rounds for my full-time job, I didn’t want to blog since if I did
write anything it probably would have been me being angry or frustrated that I
wasn’t employed yet which isn’t useful to you guys in any way whatsoever. Now
that I am set for employment, how I got my job is a good lesson on what TO do
when you are looking for a job post-MBA.
So here is my story on how I got my job:
As I might have alluded to in previous posts, I was VERY
committed to making sure I get a job post-MBA. This meant many, many emails and
meetings with my career advisor to ensure I was presenting myself as strongly
as possible to potential employers. I also went out of my way to do some pretty
creative things with companies that recruited on campus (while I was on
exchange in Madrid and while I was completing my last semester in Toronto) so
that those companies remembered me as well as possible. As a result of all of this, the Rotman Career
Centre knew me very well and I was probably often top-of-mind to them- to the
point that I am pretty sure they wanted me to get a job so that, if nothing
else, I’d stop getting on top of them for help!
As a result of the above, one day I got an email from the
director of the Career Centre telling me that the Admissions team was telling her in passing that it was interested
in hiring an MBA grad to join their team and the Career Centre director,
knowing my passion for the Rotman brand, my strong networking skills, etc,
thought I might be interested. I was indeed interested, so she told me to apply, so I did. Note
that this job was not listed on the Rotman job listings site (but it was listed
on the “careers at the University of Toronto” website). However if it wasn’t
for me being told about the job, I never would have even known it existed.
So I applied, did my interview preparation, did my interviews and got the job!
So I will be the new Assistant Director of Admissions for the Full-Time Rotman MBA
I know some MBA students might feel like:
-They know everything they need to know for their job search
-They want to go at their job search without Rotman’s help
But as my story proves, it pays (literally and figuratively)
to ensure people know you on campus! So get out there, get involved, be
friendly with people and good things will happen!!